I've had the opportunity to work with hundreds of individuals on their own personal journeys to happiness. That's exatly what it is, a personl journey.

Happiness is not a point that you reach but more a speed you maintain. We're all human, and there's no cruise control for our minds. That's why I've developed some simple steps not just to reach your speed of happiness, but also maintin it.

There's no price-tag on happiness, which is why I work with individuals where they're comfortable, willing, and able to be. We can schedule a call, meet in person, or you can participate in my video courses. Come as you are, and leave able

"I thought I understood myself, until I started working with Clyde. He helped me truly understand where my ruts were, how I got in them, and how to get out and stay out of them."


It starts with you.

Your first chat with is 100% free and you'll leave the call with your very own happiness map.



I spent the first 30 years of my life making excuses for why I wasn't happy. Things like, bad jobs, relationships, and money. I woke up one day, looked at myself in the mirror and had a revelation...

"Only I posess the ability to change me. Only I was able.

Seems simple, right?

Today I'm 40 years young, and able. Literally.

I want to share with the world how I've gone from making excuses to creating reasons to participate in finding and fueling my own personal happiness. Because nobody can truly empower you, but yourself.


10 years of becoming and being Able lead to this book. Get my tips, tricks, and recipes for success (and dinner) for your own bookshelf. Have I mentioned it's also a New You Times Bestseller?


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Reginald Wayne Sharpe Jr.

We're all ABLE.

Life coach, author, and entrepreneur Clyde Able is no exception. Clyde went from being unhappy working for a Fortune 500 company, to starting one. Clyde Able has spent the past 10 years as a happiness coach, and recently topped the New You Times Best Sellers list with his book 'ABLE LIFE.' He's worked with dozens of celebrities including Martin Harrold and Gwendolynn Yousef. Clyde also recently appeared on Dr. Mill.

Clyde Able has also been featured in:

"I spent the better part of my life chasing false happiness. A few days into working with Clyde I was able to clear my blurred perspective on life and set my sights on the things that mattered most." 


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But that doesn't mean we can't help you find what you're looking for!